Friday, May 21, 2010

What a little yarn and some pony beads can do......

Wednesday night I was having the boys work on some fine motor activities.  D was stitching on a plastic frame and J wanted to make a necklace.  Usually I give him somewhat firm plastic cord to make a necklace, but I decided to try some of the yarn from D's project.  Once I put a little tape on the end to prevent fraying, J did really well and he was even using the small pony beads.  I asked him if he wanted to give it to his OT assistant at school and he did.  When he came home from school the next day I got the nicest email from his OT assistant about how much it touched her that he made that for her and how much it meant to her.  We ended up getting into a great email exchange about what he has been working on in OT and now I see why he is making so much progress.

Whenever I have IEP meetings at his school, the OT is the one at the meetings, not the OT assistant who actually works with him.  This doesn't make sense at all to me but I choose my battles.  I had somewhat written off the OT he had been getting at school because everything with the OT had been a battle.  It turns out that the OT assistant is doing some amazing work with him and really understands where he is at and what he needs to work on.  If only they had opened the lines of communication between me and the person who was actually WORKING with my child, I would have felt more confident in the services he was receiving!

Oh well, what matters now is that little J working so hard on a little necklace was able to make someone feel great and open a line of communication that was so greatly needed.

1 comment:

  1. We need a full team meeting. Ty only spends an hour with his regular teacher and is pulled out the rest of the time. I would love to sit down with all his paras.
